
Cuba shows the world how a democracy and the family co-exist

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On September the 22nd 6 million Cubans took part in a constitutional referendum to include some of the most progressive legislation regarding sexuality, gender and the family unit.
Passing with a 74% turnout voting in favour at 67%.

With code that extends familial responsibilities to other senior members such as grandparents or surrogate mothers acknowledging the existence of non-traditional family structures, legalises same sex marriage, allowing same sex parents to adopt and outlawing child marriage.

The new Cuban family code leap frogs the so called progressive leaders in Europe with phrasing in such as “Love and solidarity are the platforms and axes on which family relationships revolve” decoupling love and family from the concepts of sex and gender.
Acknowledging the people who had been lost in the cracks of its legislation like young people with no access to services they need because they were part of a queer or non-traditional family.
And showing the rest of the world what true socialism can achieve.

An astounding display of democracy held and led by its proletariat taking root post Raul Castro’s entry to office in 2006 and introducing sweeping economic reforms in the country leading to Cuba’s third constitutional referendum in 2011.

Following the 2011 referendum demonstrations and protests were held by LGBTQ+ activists demanding that more changes be made to the constitution particularly areas surrounding sexuality, gender, reproductive rights, the family unit and Machismo as these were parts unchanged since Fidel’s 1976 constitution.
In 2019 a draft commission was formed to create the legislation but shortly dissolved due to clear biases but it would then be picked up by an autonomous electoral council who would put the draft legislation to referendum establishing locations in 78,000 towns with demonstrations and meetings ensuring every Cuban has the opportunity to take part.

Here in the events leading to the success of the new Cuban family code we see how a socialist democracy truly manifests itself with 400 articles, over 300,000 amendments to the code, taking place in 78,000 locations and engaged in by 6 million Cubans.
Quoting Iván Ernesto Barreto López of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples “an irrefutable demonstration of the socialist democratic model existing in our country.”
A beacon in the face of interference and a 6 decade long blockade!

patria o muerte, viva socialista!