Project Update: Concept for monitoring and understanding component use on production systems
watch the project repository for testing updates
as far as this project goes I realise my goal is to essentially replicate functionality that can be used in large tools like silk tide or site improve although, what I’m building isn’t how those tools intend for their admins to use said functionality. As well as those tools make use of spiders for looking at pages who’s reliability is questionable in my experience especially in the case of huge corporate site that will have 10’s if not 100’s of orphan pages.
all this rambling is just my justification for continuing to build this project and also influencing my choice to change direction.
if you look at the early commits in the repo, for some reason I started by building a templating system? Don’t ask I work on personal projects late at night and I think the caffeine had gotten to me. That said I getting the core functionality working as priority then going on to build the comforts, you know like a normal project.
As of today I have built the Reporters class, it’s setters and getters and started building the dynamic javascript that is rendered and run client side.
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