
SocialChaff, an exercise in obfuscation by hiding in plain sight

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Like many personal projects, they start in the shower after spending some time doing OSINT on someone who upset me that day, by the way announcing to the world your social media has been compromised on the very same platform is bad opsec (not that mine is much better I’ll be honest).
that idea, what if you could obfuscate your social media behaviour by producing fake traffic that looks real or traffic so bizarre it puts you on a watchlist for the wrong reasons.

so I’ve begun working on a toolkit to do just that, first focusing on the bizarre traffic because that’s just more now isn’t it.

Available on my GitHub the project was supposed to take just a week something to do on my off time and defocus me from the stresses of the 9-5 and have fun doing something I’m sure already exists but who cares.

subscribe to my RSS for milestone updates and other blogs, because I still think it’s 2005 apparently!



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